Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wintery world

It is snowy as can be outside. The flowers have turned into wintery seed heads that will help the birds make it through until spring.

My walk was long and cold but I sniffed out where the raccoon was hiding in the street sewer and I dug him a little air hole. If he suffocated I would have one fewer thing to bark at and that would be sad.

While we were tramping along one of my feet froze up. But I am a tough nut if there ever was one and I just pulled it up and hopped on three feet until my fourth was back in working order. I suddenly had a terrifying thought. What if one of my Person's feet froze up? She doesn't have feet galore like I do and I think she'd be pretty stuck! Yet another reason to be glad to be a little red dog and not a Person.

My Person thought that a long walk on a snowy path deserves the reward of some book-reading time on the couch and some hot ginger tea. Spare me the tea and I am not sure how she can read with her book on her stomach and her eyes closed. My reward for my walk was a peanut butter flavored biscuit and some couch time too. But I won't pretend to read when I have my Winter's nap!

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