Friday, May 28, 2010

I never!

There are some things that are too rude for even a dog to do. Apparently this little bird isn't as delicate about etiquette. True, we dogs may do all sorts of other rude things but in all my short days I have never seen two dogs face off and stick their tongues out at each other.

Maybe we don't know how to.

But this little pipsqueak with an attitude spent the evening in my backyard, slurping sugar water and making funny kissy noises and sticking its tongue out. My Person says it was catching bugs to eat but it sure looked like it was looking at me all the while. And maybe at you too.

I am going to practice this move - maybe it will be a superior way to be top dog at the dog park. I won't need to chase or bark or scrap or defend my honor. From now on I will just stick out my tongue. I wonder if my frenemy Tasha can stick out hers?

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I can be a very patient dog. And I have been getting a lot of practice lately. I think I am some sort of regional model for patience in dogs.

Not that I want to be. Oh no, I'd much rather be running around, chasing down my enemies and frenemies alike, or setting off on adventures and riding shot gun as is appropriate for a valiant and watchful dog like me.

But no, I sit and wait by the gate and my Person buzzes around with a frantic manner, doing goodness knows what useless things and tapping away on her keyboard. She seems to have forgotten the things that make life worthwile, like lying in the grass and snapping at bees, napping in the sun, chasing squirrels, stealing snacks....though I think she has easier access to snacks than I do. Then again I always find snacks on walks and she never does.

What she lacks in natural wisdom she make up in diligence and at some point she always remembers that it is time to walk the little red dog. Remember him? He's waiting by the gate, very patiently.