Sunday, October 26, 2008

New coat

Life is full of patterns. You think your daily routine is much the same while all around you the world changes. You notice the world is changing and then you realize that change is really part of a larger familiar pattern.

The world around me is changing in a familiar way. The leaves are falling, blanketing the ground and making it fun for running and jumping and crashing through leafy drifts. Soon a thicker blanket of white will cover the leaves but the thought of that is making my Person shudder. We got a little taste of it today - blowing wind and rain and snow all mixed together, making the leaves skip and fly and ears flop inside out if you have flip floppy ears.

It was so chilly on our walk my Person wore two sweaters and a puffy vest and a jacket and a scarf and extra thick socks and she still seemed pretty cold as she pulled up the rear at the slow end of the leash. I could have used some thicker socks myself. My winter coat doesn't come from the closet - I have to grow it myself and I just barely have a start on it. I guess I'd better get busy!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Setting a tone for the day

It's a little after 8 a.m. and the thermometer tells my Person that it is in the 4o's. I can tell that by my frosty breath. So what do I do to get myself started on a day like this? I go swimming wearing nothing but my socks! And my little red suit of course.

My Person needs coffee to keep her eyes open but I think there is nothing as stimulating as jumping in the Mississippi River on an autumn morning. I did some splashing and some duck chasing and then I ran through the tall grasses and got lots of burrs stuck in my wet fur.

When you start your day with this much fun, things are bound to lag later on - it is kind of like eating dessert before your vegetables. Wait a minute, I never get dessert! My Person has some answering to do!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All the world's a stage

The trees continue their costume change for autumn, and the leaves are dropping to the ground. It is almost that time of year when my Person can play Where's Finnegan when she walks with me. It is a sable world for this sable dog.

You could have played Where's Finnegan the last few days and you wouldn't have found me because I wasn't home. I was working! I am officially a working stiff of a little red dog - a professional actor.

I did a screen test and then I acted for a commercial. I had to walk, sit and look, all things I excel at. And then I had to do the thing I am very best at. I had to eat dog food! From a turquoise-colored bowl that was almost as big as me. I got paid to do this!! And of course I did very well.

In fact, my Person says I am exceeding expectations in general, from throw-away dog to star in just a couple of years. Talk about your turnaround stories!

It is great to be a working dog. And now I have a better reason to bark at the mailman. I think my check is in the mail!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So tired

I think I will spend all day in bed. I have nothing to do. My Best Friend was here for a visit and now is gone. The heat is finally on in this cold old house so all my cat brothers are resting on top of the radiators and they will be so busy absorbing up all the warmth that they won't play with me. My Person is tap-tap-tapping away at that stupid and boring computer. The dog park is all wet from lots of rain so I won't be allowed there for a day or so.

So, why bother even getting out of bed? Except for meals....

And that reminds is about time for a meal. Time to get up!