Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bad habits

Nah, I didn't pick up any bad habits. I just picked up my sheltie cousin's chew toy. Actually I guess I kind of stole it.

Maybe stealing is a bad habit.

There have been some bad habits on display around here. My car, which carries me on adventures with my Person, and to the dog park, and even more importantly, on trips to the store to buy my Super Supper, had its battery taken by some people indulging in their bad habit of stealing. Plus they cut all of the electrical wiring and that is just plain mean.

I don't know why I didn't sense what was happening with our little car. If only I had indulged in my bad habit of barking out the window I would have scared those bad people away. But I was indulging in my bad habit of snoring instead.

Well, two bad habits don't make a good one. Maybe that is a bad habit - making up sayings that don't make sense!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

On the rocks

I know, it has been a long time. My Person has not been helping me much, busy coping with some sort of personal affliction. She looks like a lamprey bit her on the leg and believe it or not she had it done on purpose by a doctor, a remedy of some sort. I won't be visiting that doctor any time soon!

I did get a very short vacation in on the North Shore, land of wolves and bear and moose and visiting little red dogs. That was quite interesting, especially in the sniffing and running department.

Then came a great heatwave and we all lay low for days and more days and the only relief was walking to the Mississippi River for a big swim. Then back to sleeping the day away under the picnic table. My Person would have joined me there for a nap but she takes up too much room.

Last week she deserted me and I stayed at my frenemy Tasha's house for a sleepover. Tasha treated me very well as long as I stayed away from her Person and her furniture and her dish and so on. I did get to stay next to Tasha's Person's Person, Gary, and he helped me get through a very thundery and lightningy night, as I was very afraid. He is now my second Best Friend, right after my first Best friend.

Just thinking about all of that puts me in mind of napping, so that is what I think I will do.