No one to play with, my Person busy working, left to my own devices. Trotted out my toys but no takers. I had to do some thinking to perk myself up. So like in the song, I started counting up my Favorite Things:
Birds: for taking dust baths (What a fun idea!)
Cats: when they are running away from me or sleeping for stupendous quantities of time or when THEY are bad and knock edibles from the counter
My Person: for walks and homemade food
Socks: for chewing and general carrying around
Couches: for snoozing and for spying on the neighbors because I am too short to see out the windows
Squirrels: for chase practice
Raccoon hideouts: for sniff practice
My toys: for making squeaks and for pressing into my Person's legs when I want attention
That is as far as I got before I fell asleep. Maybe tomorrow I will have more fun and won't have to resort to thinking.
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