I've been waiting for you and I am cold. There is lots to see so let's get started. My Person is musing about the vagaries of human relationships, as usual, but I have my eye on the world around me, to wit:
The glowing gray disk of sun high above me in the flat gray sky, a sky that deepens in color as it curves around the earth;
The leafless trees whose sturdy trunks tower above. My eye travels up their branches to the filigree of countless twigs as I watch a squirrel;
The dried stems of fall wild flowers, mostly asters, that rustle and tremble above my ears. The flowers themselves have turned to small bouquets of winged seeds to scatter in the wind;
The leaf litter that stands to my knees, where I savor the scents of other animals. It is here that mice scamper and delicate butterflies have settled for winter. It is here I wish my Person would look. Under the leaves the grass is still green and small plants shelter.
Here I find a small pile of bones has been gathered by someone - the remains of a squirrel. I know my Person - she will want to pocket the delicate skull and moon about like some midwestern Hamlet but I pounce and sniff and scatter the pile and then I move on.
All things interest me but my Big Questions are What and Where and not Why. My Person accepts my wisdom today and follows me as I follow my nose. And if she needs to think about Why she can wait until we are done and I am settled in for my nap.
1 comment:
Hi, Finn-boy:
You are a very wise little red dog. I like the questions you ask and the answers that appeal to you.
Today I saw hundreds of Canada geese and many, many coots, although some dismiss these as ordinary waterbirds. Yesterday I saw hundreds and hundreds of tundra swans and dozens and dozens of eagles, down
the Mississippi a ways. Who's to say which are more desirable or fascinating? You know the answer, I am quite sure.
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