My day is all unsettled. My internal clock operates with the sun and not with that crazy little device that yells once in a blue moon when my Person has something important to attend to in the wee hours. I am not sure if we got up early or late today, and it is looking like my early supper will arrive in the dark. Why do people switch time? They are too far from nature, that is clear.
Still, it was a fair and sun-filled day until it turned into a gloomy one, and a busy day until it got a bit slow. A high point was playing soccer with Pico the Siamese. I mean that quite literally. I didn't have a ball. Just a Pico who had snuck out the door and into the yard. I think I had a better time than he did. Kick!
But a goofy mixed up day is sometimes sorted out with a good nap and butterfly chairs are the perfect place for little red dogs to sort out the day.
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