My Person packed her sturdy shoes and her jacket, and my Best Friend packed his laptop and I packed me! Off to the North Shore we went. It was fabulous.
I think someone changed our bumper sticker from "Dog is my Co-Pilot" to something like "Dogs sit in the back seat only." Did I say the vacation was fabulous? Let me take that back. Other than riding in the backseat, it was fabulous. I tried almost constantly to insinuate myself into the front seat but it just didn't work. Rats!
Some highlights:
1) Adric the Cat stayed home!
2) Pico the Cat stayed home!
3) Ollie the Cat stayed home!
4) I almost caught a wild woodland chipmunk!
5) I got to eat part of a fresh donut at the harbor!
6) I got to use my new expanding dog leash!
I have some great pictures from my trip but you'll have to wait to see them until my Person forks them over. Right now I better go unpack the rest of myself.
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