You know I am beginning to feel a bit like a pensioner. Rests, trips to the doctor for more medicine, little gentle walks. No tearing through the deep weeds, slurping pond water - none of the usual joys of youth.
Yesterday I went to see my vet and it left me shaking in my little white boots. One poor old dog had just come out of surgery and another dog...well, all I can say is his collar and leash are hanging in a place of honor at his Person's home and there is much sadness there. Another young dog had just had surgery and wasn't going to be able to play for a week. Can you imagine?
And in the corner a flame point Siamese cat was crying about having his teeth cleaned. Cats! It just makes you wonder. We dogs are made of sterner stuff and we have to be. It is a hard world.
I could be resting up on my back step in the milky sunlight with a blanket over my knees but my Person thoughtlessly decided to water the lawn and my step is all wet. So I will suffer in silence and go throw myself upon the bed. If I were a cat I would just cry!
1 comment:
Hey, Finn:
Quit resting, start posting!
Hope you're feeling better,
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