There are several reasons for taking up residence in my Person's home. One is that you have admirable companionship qualities. That is why I am here.
Another is that you might be a bit ill and need some nurturing. That's the case for me too, recently. However, I did get into the compost yesterday and had some coffee grounds. And guess what? I felt almost completely well after that! Who needs medicine?
When my Person found out what I had done she gave me what she calls her "withering" glance. It didn't work. I am not at all withered. Just a bit tired from all that running around.
There might be a reason for Adric the Cat being here but I haven't figured it out yet.
Another reason for taking up residence here is because you need a little help during a life transition. That is why this fellow you see, the Monarch caterpillar, is here. Birds might peck him or a wasp might sting him and Monarchs aren't faring so well as they used to. Something to do with bad weather and herbicides that keep their favorite foods from growing.
My Person says if there is magic in the world, you can see it by watching a Monarch caterpillar. First it is a little tiny egg. Then it is a little tiny caterpillar. Soon it is a great stripey caterpillar munching on milkweed leaves so loudly that I would say "Excuse me!" if I ate that noisily. Then it becomes a green blob stuck by some silk threads to something. Then it is a green hard shell with golden spots, ever so quiet and stiff. Then the shell pops open and out comes a beautiful Monarch butterfly. How does this happen?
Maybe my Person is right - maybe it is magic!
I like this blog. for real!
berto xxx
Considering the fact that it could be more accurate in giving informations.
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
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