This was a summer day - nothing more and nothing less. What does a dog do on summer days? He naps for one thing.
A summer day for a dog also includes going for a walk, chasing and almost catching a squirrel, eating some bird seed under the feeder, getting a surprise visit from a charming but addled sheltie cousin and napping in the sun after the shady nap is over.
Today I watched butterflies flitting around, bees buzzing deep into flower heads with their pollen sacs on their little legs filled to bursting with yellow powder, and an endless parade of woodpecker parents leading their young to the suet feeder. I also watched my Person read for awhile but that is what got me napping. She is so dull sometimes!
Now it is a summer evening and I have eaten my summery super and I am headed back out for a few more looks and sniffs and an evening nap on the step. Then my perfectly summery day will be done.
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