...hunted? That's a broad winged hawk giving me the hairy eyeball, and I didn't even notice! There is a little red box around the little red dog and the big brown hawk but can you tell who is what? Click the photo to see more clearly if you dare.
That raptor could have swooped down and carried me away. Or I might have pounced on him and brought home a new toy for Adric. But neither happened. We both went on our merry ways.
And my way today was merry. I got to ride in a golf cart as part of my official duties (yes, I have them) as a bluebird trail monitor, I got to run by the river, and for once my Person brought home a tick and I didn't. She wasn't nearly as amused as I was, but I think we all know who has the better sense of humor in this household.
the One
Finn--is that a red-shoulder hawk coveting your
soulful eyes and gorgeous red coat???
Whew, glad you made it through this adventure intact!
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