I'm in my hole, keeping a watch on the world. But the world can't see much of me. Someone passing by might not even know what I am. I could be a red fox in a fox den, or a smallish riperian grizzly in his cave, or a stripeless badger, or a huge red squirrel...who knows?
It is good to have mysteries. For instance, no one knows where I am really from, and most of the time I sure don't know where I am going. I don't know what my Person does all day and why she isn't busy walking me or attending to my needs. I don't know why there are three siamese cats living with us - that's a BIG mystery.
I had some mysterious fun at the river today. I was unusually happy to be running free and I guess I took off and left my Person wondering where I had gotten to. Let's say I was busy.
I finally decided to heed her worried calls and rejoin her and brought along the prize that had detained me - a big and somewhat gory bone! She said it was disgusting, which I took to mean that she was disgusted she hadn't found such a wonderful thing herself. Then she said she'd trade up with me - the bone for two cat treats. Trade up? I didn't roll off the pumpkin cart yesterday! So we wrestled instead and I am embarrassed to admit that she won. She threw my lovely bone in the river.
So I took off again. I ignored her as long as I could but she started to sound frantic. When I ran back to her my nifty walking harness was on sideways! "How did you manage that?" she asked but I couldn't tell her even if I wanted to. We are going to add that to the list of today's mysteries.
But I have bigger mysteries to crack now, like why I haven't had my dinner yet!
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