You know that "Life is good" line of apparel? Obviously the creators were thinking about my life. Parts of it anyway. The parts where I am allowed to run around like a little red maniac and sniff out wild beast tracks, have unlimited treats and wear myself out so that my couch slumbers are the result of too much fresh air instead of too much nothing happening.
Today was pretty mild for the Siberia of the western world and my Person and my Best Friend accompanied me on a wild off-leash adventure through a marsh and out on a frozen lake to an island inhabited by Wild Beavers! They had been chewing up the trees and if I did as much damage to the wood in my house I would be in some serious trouble. But they aren't. They were snoozing away but I could smell where their feet had been tromping, as well as the feet of a lot of other strange creatures like labrador retrievers.
It was so much fun that if I were the type of dog to wear a hat or a t-shirt, and let me assure you that I am not, it would say "Finnegan's Life is Good!"
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