Bet you don't know what this is! I will tell you but I must give you some background.
First, let me say that my Person's environmental tendencies are probably a good thing. For instance she doesn't believe in throwing things away when they are still perfectly good, and she recycles. Hence she has me for a little red dog. I was used but still good and she recycled me. I was repurposed even, from a country dog to a city dog.
Second, it is a good thing to grow flowers and bushes that bugs and birds like because I like bugs and birds too and our yard is full of all of the above - me, birds, bugs, flowers and bushes. I could hide behind the bushes and jump on the birds if I wanted. But I don't.
Third, she likes animals of most sorts, and once again, I am glad or I wouldn't be here, or alive even, and I wouldn't have fun cat brothers to pester.
But she may be going too far. She built this funny house for new guests. For bees!! She gave this one away to my aunt veecee who is even nuttier than my Person about things like bugs and birds. But she's planning on making more including one for our backyard. Which means more bees will move in.
Maybe that's all fine and good - the more the merrier they say. As long as all the cats and birds and bees and everyone else remembers who is top dog around here!
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