Oh boy! What Adric hates, I love - car rides!
Here I am off to Crex Meadows
What could make a dog happier? It turned out to be a crisp and dry spring day, and the meadows are beginning to fill with life: some animals passing through on migration and others that are year-long residents but sleep all winter or spend more time hidden in the snow and ice. Swans, geese and ducks were a-sailing with otter and muskrats and many beaver. There was a loon bathing while swimming, a practice I follow. Harriers, the sleek hunters of marsh and field, swooped low in their aerial prowls. There were soaring and sitting eagles and stalking cranes and a porcupine crawling out on a branch. There were timber wolf footprints all along the roads and bear were there too but were hiding from us. Deer crashed from ditch to ditch, sparrows called, doves cooed and snipe whizzed overhead as the sun finally set on a long day.
Visiting Crex was wonderful and I was able to sneak a few hitch hikers in the car before we left - wood ticks! Those I didn't keep for myself I shared with my Person and my Best Friend. I can only say they are not gracious gift-receivers.
And now the part that made me happier than anything else. I got a double cheeseburger for my supper! Travel is a wonderful thing is all I will say.
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