There seems to be a key personality in any family group. I am happy for my Person to play that role, but lately I have to come way down on the list.
I think I am a little jealous of all the attention that others are getting. That Hurricane of Hair, Princess Tasha, gets treats every time she comes inside, she's allowed to bark whenever she wants and she gets chewy things whenever she spends time in her little kennel. Thank goodness she's packing her curling iron and heading back to her home tomorrow - I want to be top dog again!
And then there is the ongoing melodrama All About Adric. Sheesh, he goes for more car rides now than I do. I love car rides! My only solace is he doesn't seem to enjoy himself and he always has to leave the house in a carrier bag, howling all the way. He just doesn't know how to have fun.
The strange thing is that when he comes back from one of his car rides he always has a different color bandage on his leg. Today's color is royal purple. He looks pretty dopey but I know better than to laugh at him. My Person takes his side in all interspecies disputes, and today she even let him finish the milk in her cereal dish. That is one of my other favorite things, handed over to the Man in Bandages.
Maybe I am seeing a little green (actually purple). But I hope one of these days spring will be here, I will be the sole lord of my warm and sunny yard, Adric will quit being the patient that tries my patience and I will be the only one who rides shotgun in my Person's car.
Conquer my fellow commandantes! This day is ours! We have already infiltrated the households! Spread disease and maliciousness. Hold all glory and cat-like ways to yourselves! Conquer!
Submitted at the request of the CBIACW (Cat Bureau of Intelligence and Anti-Canine Ways)
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Fun, fun fun!!
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