Adric continues to hold the center of attention around here. He is getting around too well if you ask me and has resumed his former role of King of the Hill and Lord all He Surveys. From his new height he can survey quite a bit, even if all of him doesn't quite fit up there on his perch.
I am reminded almost continually of how lucky I am to be a dog. I am sturdy and fast, I eat things I find and I rumble with other dogs, but I am not prone to the kind of things that get cats in trouble. I do not jump into boxes and I do not aim myself at open dresser drawers and I do not fly from counters and I do not leap up into linen cabinets. I generally stay on the ground floor. Believe me, there are plenty of interesting possibilities in life without launching oneself UP.
My Person sure is lucky she has me. And only one Adric!
This from a guy who has fallen out of a tree he climbed???
I forgot about that....But I only damaged my pride!!
Lord and ruler of all he owns. Hail great lord and conquerer Adric. He suffers from you trivial woes for he,the lord of lords, the god of gods, is your master. Follow him upon this glorious day and let all dog kind be vanquished! Shiver in fear my canine enemies, you and your people loving ways! To arms comrades! Let this glorious day be ours!
Submitted at the request of the CBIACW (Cat Bureau of Intelligence and Anti-Canine Ways)
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