There are no equals in the animal kingdom. Or so says Pico's vet.
People try equality all the time and they make a right mess of it. Not too many people are really willing to sacrifice their own higher positions to level the playing field for others.
In the dog realm we have a similar tough time being equals. And while being Equality Dog is almost impossible there are lots of ways to become Top Dog. Being the snarkiest can work. Being the toughest and most aggressive does as well but you sure are going to lose that congeniality contest and your Person will be giving you the evil eye every time you act like a bully toward another dog. Some dogs think barking the loudest is the best way. (I've tried it, and I just get yelled at.) Being able to run the fastest will get you out of trouble but it won't really get you ahead. So I have come up with the best way of all: I am going to be the tallest dog around.
It seems the Barking Hairdo of a Tasha is just not one of nature's able jumpers. But I am. So whenever that Tasha is around and starts competing with me, I'll get taller. And to do this all I need is some handy furniture.
Believe me, my Person has lots of furniture around to help me. Maybe she doesn't like lying on, sitting on and eating on the floor as much as I do. Or maybe she's trying to be taller than me! Maybe I need to find a new way to be Top Dog.