This is kind of like an IQ test. It will judge your ability to see relationships between things, to recognize sets. So, which one of these four things does not belong:
1) red dog
2) snow
3) green grass
4) warm sunshine
Are you done? This one should be pretty easy. Red dogs go with everything but warm sun and green grass and - here's the odd one out - snow are the Axis of Unrelatedness. Here I was, happily in the midst of a bit of late summer easing into fall reverie and I get dumped on with snow! This is just too much for me to process. I wouldn't know what to wear but I never change clothes much. Or bathe. Good thing I don't need to, being naturally clean.
Well, I got in a bit of a river swim anyway and ate lots of grass and skipped ahead pretty fast whenever a snow clump slid off a branch and landed near me. I ended up with muddy feet and a wet belly and my breath came out in frosty clouds as I blinked in the sunlight and watched runners go passed in shorts and winter caps. It is the change of seasons - we just don't know what the season is changing to!
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