I am recovering from a visit by my human cousins. They are pretty fun but the indignities I endure to amuse them!
I got my own back today though. I led them on a merry chase around the dog park, running lightly through deep damp snow and leaping logs and skittering across icy ground. I can think of two kids who are going to sleep well tonight! They were lying in twisted piles more than they were chasing me. "Let's corner him!" they yelled time and time again. As if!
Still, we had a good visit together. I stared at them meltingly until they handed over pizza. I nosed around under their covers to keep them awake. I made sure they got up extra early and I ate their breakfast leftovers when they weren't looking.
Now it is just me and my Person to clear away the dishes and the blankets and the spills and the books and art supplies. But I got a wee bit tired out entertaining my cousins so maybe I'll just have to sleep through the clean-up!
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