My human Grandmother says that nature is the best solace. I agree with her and like to think I am a little closer to nature than the People I associate with. I will give them credit for trying to be close to nature but it is hard for them. They VIEW nature more than they ARE nature.
I spent a lovely evening with my Person whilst she attempted a nature bond. She likes to paint out of doors, something called plein air, and while she's doing that she quits thinking about nature so much and just watches it and slowly she perhaps becomes more a part of it, or at least less a thinker about it. She doesn't achieve my natural state but she quiets down a bit inside. For a short while.
Meanwhile, I observe and sniff and keen at the occasional deer and pounce and wait silently as the situation dictates, I yawn and scratch and paw and wander, never once thinking about anything! It is great being a dog.
If I could give my Person a gift, not one of my chewy bones of course, nor my squirrely squirrel toy, it would be a the gift of being a little more doggy and less Persony.
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