I am the patient type. I am not given to complaining and I try to keep the long view. I am perhaps a russian little red dog. But I have had almost enough.
When will it be nice outside? When will I be able to eat grass and throw it back up just as quickly? When will I be able to sniff the flowers of spring and smile at the sunshine and when will I be able to go for long walks and not have to endure having my feet dried off so unsympathetically by my Person? When will I be able to snooze on the back step in the sun? When will I be able to knock Adric out of the window sill where he should be sleeping in the sun? When will the sun come out again?
This midwestern weather is playing tricks on us all. Just when we've started to shed our winter clothes, and fur, the snow starts again. The mud is cold and stiff. The river is deep and dark. The loons can't fly north because the lakes are still frozen so they are stacking up like barge traffic in the Mississippi River. This just should not happen.
All day I stay inside listening to the thin snores of sleeping cats, the tap tap tap of my Person at work, the drip drip drip of slush as it trickles down the drainpipe. And the sounds of my own sighs. I cannot wait until spring decides to stay for awhile.
1 comment:
Hey, Finn:
WHO took that picture, of you and your Person?
She's very adept, maybe she set the camera
on auto pilot . . .
Cheers, and I have been one of the people complaining about the weather, I must admit.
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