The snow continues to fall even as the sun gets higher in the sky and the ground wants to warm up. Big icy puddles are showing up, just right for little red dogs to go wading in. You might think I would get chilled doing this but I need to cool off when I have been jumping over snowy drifts and running across the frozen lake and chasing scents among the reeds faster than any other dog ever did.
I was supervised by lots of worried chickadees. I am sure they thought I was a wild red fox.
One of these days soon the snow will stop falling on my head and this wonderful playground will revert to its summer state of marsh and unfrozen lake and the fun will be over until next winter, so I am relishing it while I can. Some Persons are tired of winter and dream of planting their gardens and walking in the sun but today I think I am a snow dog at heart.
1 comment:
Hey, Finn:
Sure, snow has its uses, but won't you be just as
happy rooting around in the dirt, digging up your
Person's gardens and feeling warm sunlight on
your long, handsome snout? (Although 'snout' seems
too crude a word for your handsome face!)
And there will be so many more birds to gaze at
and bark at soon, think of that.
Just some thoughts, dogs don't pine like humans do,
which must be part of the reason you're so much happier.
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