I am by most accounts a city dog these days. My past-times are those of an urban dog: back yard squirrel chases, sidewalk meetings, coffee shop idylls (for some - others of us wait outside) and riverside strolls. Today I tracked deer, sniffed coyote scat, pounced on vole tracks, stuck my head in holes, watched the sky for hunting red tailed hawks, identified the nests of swallows and eagles and field sparrows and followed mobbing crows looking for owls. And where was I? Still in the city! But at a wonderful place. This summer my Person and my Auntie veecee will go there to look at birds. Today we birded without the benefit of many birds being around.
It was good to be out in the promise of what is to comes and to stomp through thawing snow. It was a day to remember to get through the arctic cold snaps are between this little red dog and spring!
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