It snowed today. A lot! When I wasn't watching it out of the window, I was out in it myself. Only yesterday the ground was covered with crunchy oak leaves the color of my fur, and except for my flashing white feet, you could hardly tell what was leaves and what was little red dog. Today my feet blended perfectly with the snow and I am sure when I went for my walk I looked just like a windblown cloud of oak leaves hurrying down the path.
My Person was having some time keeping up with me. As usual, four feet are better than two, and I dodged and jumped and ran circles around her as she trudged along.
The birds are smart and knew a storm was going to cover up all their normal food with snow and so they came to the bird feeders and they ate all day long. My Person attached an umbrella to the top of the feeder pole, an idea she swiped from my genius auntie veecee, and the birds ate in a little pool of peacefulness while the snow fell all around.
There is a pool of peacefulness around my food dish right now and someone better make sure I get the same level of concern about my food intake that the cardinals and juncos and a lone white throat got today!
Hey Fin!
I am loving this snow, even if it's a little harder to get around. Good thing I'm built like a snow plow!
I also think it tastes pretty good, too.
Let's have a barking contest someday--I'll bet I'm louder than you!
Emma Basset
Finnegan says:
Emma sure is built like a snow plow (or a ferry boat depending on the season) but I can bark circles around her!
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