My Person was a hysteric yesterday. She had computer problems. And she couldn't see that my needs are always greater than that little humming box she supplicates to and then swears at. I didn't get much attention though, I will tell you!
As the day wound down and I slumped into doggie despair of ever having fun again, my Person took off in the dark and left me alone with my half-brothers. (I am trying to be more charitable about them since they had the great misfortune of being born cats.) I chased them around the house for awhile, hoping my Person would come back for me. But she didn't. It was then that Adric, the wiliest of the three, jumped up on the kitchen counter. And he did the nicest thing! He pushed half a loaf of fresh whole wheat bread off the cutting board. I watched in awe as it flew gently through the air and landed at my feet!
The disappointments of the day were soon forgotten as I busied myself with my prize. I ran about the house with it in my mouth, this prize chunk as big as my head. I nibbled some in the living room, I gnawed awhile under the dining room table (how appropriate!) and then I took the remainder and off I went to the bedroom. I burrowed under the covers and discovered the pleasures of eating in bed.
After my Person returned and we retired for the evening, I continued to clean the many chunks and crumbs which had lodged in the tangle of sheets and blankets. My Person muttered sleepily, "Quit licking the bed." Finally she got up to examine things. As I stood and tucked my tail, she groaned "What did you do?" But exhaustion trumps curiosity it seems and she crawled back into bed and was soon sawing logs again. I scoured the bed for evidence until almost dawn and took a little snooze time myself. By morning you'd never know what had happened. In fact I think my Person has forgotten completely about it. She wonders why I am a little nicer to Adric today and she wonders why he keeps banging his pinhead into the new loaf of bread on the cutting board. Well, I am not going to tell her why and neither is Adric.