I thought you'd like to see my new porch. I am probably going to be spending a lot of time out here, so it is a good thing I like it.
Last night my Person was out doing some errands, none of which benefited me, so I thought I would make my own luck. I went hunting. Indoors. And I found, carelessly lying about on top of a counter I am not supposed to be able to reach, in a grocery bag I am not supposed to bother with, a bag of ginger snaps.
Now I am kind of a ginger snap as well so I helped myself.
There were way too many cookies for me to eat right then and there so I decided to stash some for later, in a better hiding place than where I originally found them. I tried to hide them under the pillows in the bed, but then I remembered my Person always sleeps there at night and she might just find my prize. So then I hid them under the afghan that adorns the couch. I carefully balled the afghan up over the cookie package in a casual-looking manner, so as to not draw any attention, and then I waited for my Person to come home. As soon as I heard the back door open I dashed out into the yard to hide, just in case I miscalculated and my Person had been dreaming of munching ginger snaps the entire time she was out on her errand.
Unfortunately, my dashing out the door somehow signals to my Person that I feel guilty about something. (I don't understand how she gleans these insights into my cunning mind.) Also, I accidentally knocked some other stuff out of the grocery bag when I was grabbing the cookies and she cleverly read that as a clue that I had done Something Bad.
Soon enough she found my cookies. And she didn't believe that I had set a trap for chipmunks and therefore was being helpful. She just made me sit on the porch and think about what I had done. What I really thought about was how I could talk my Best Friend into sneaking the cookie bag out of the garbage and into my toy box. My Person NEVER looks in there.
Anyway, if we had a dog house I would be in it now. But we don't. We just have a dog porch. And here I sit.