On my travels I see mysterious things. Sometimes they are little and sometimes they are big and sometimes they are of mythic proportions. For example I just happened to see the Loch Ness Monster today as I was strolling around an urban lake. Click on my photo and you'll see it better too.
Now I didn't think too much of it even if my Person was all agog. I was much more interested in the muskrat who just sort of accidentally jumped into my mouth at the very moment I was pouncing on the river bank. My Person did shriek louder for that than she did for Nessie and I literally dropped my jaw - and the muskrat. He gave me a quick and baleful look and headed for the deep weeds.
If I felt like going for a big swim I could have tried the same technique with the Lock Ness Monster but it is a bit larger than I am. I do hate to be on the receiving end of "pounce and bite." If a pitbull can send me to the hospital I shudder to think what Nessie could do!