My Person and I broke our stride today and tried something different. We deserted our familiar routine and visited one of the city's urban lakes. We picked the one with the most enviable zip code and set off showing those fancy lake dwellers how we rustic riparian types like to enjoy ourselves. I was the only one swimming in the whole darned lake, or so I thought.
After a few laps my Person hauled me out and we stopped to read a nearby sign. It read "This lake contains muskellunge."
I was swimming with tiger muskies! Can you believe it - ferocious stripey fellows with uncountable numbers of sharp teeth. One could have nipped off part of this little red dog! I probably look pretty tasty paddling around through the weeds.
After this close shave we retired to the familiar shores of the Mississippi River and I attended a beach party for dogs. There was a puggle and a doodle and a poodle and shepgle or maybe it was a beaglard or maybe it was just called a shepard beagle but it was a funny fellow regardless of its name. And we jumped in the waves and my Person tried to make us "Sit!" in the deep water but we are all too smart for that. It was a real summer day and even my favorite princess Tasha is now cleaning out the sand from between her toes!