I am a mutt. I am a mix of many of breeds of dogs. It seems all of us dogs carry traits from our ancestors. Mine make me want to hunt for chipmunks and stick my head into holes in the ground for a good sniff. Other dogs have ancestors who were trained to be to be valiant and to fight enemies to the death. That makes them extra loyal to their packs but dangerous to others when they get mad.
The pit bull dog is one of those breeds and they are caught up in a swirl of controversy: their human pack members love their ferocious loyalty, but their huge, strong jaws are a danger to those who get in the way of an aroused pit.
One got mad at me at the dog park and I ended up at the University Veterinary Hospital. My Person was terribly afraid and I couldn't get away from that dog or get out of its mouth once it pinned me. If a brave man hadn't pulled the pit bull off of me I might have been hurt much worse. I couldn't walk after I was attacked and my Person had to carry me for a long, long way to get out of the dog park. My friend Tasha was with me and she was very scared and so was her Person. I am recuperating now from a very bruised shoulder and leg and a deep puncture wound in my chest.
I hope that pitbull owners understand that they need to have complete control over and be very near to their dogs at all times. Maybe it isn't what their pit bull might do to them that is the issue. It is the incredible amount of damage to others that pit bulls are capable of that makes them a real danger.