You can't keep a little red dog down. Three days into my regimen of four holistic remedies twice daily as prescribed by my nice and very interesting (that is a common noncommittal midwestern descriptor) veterinarian, I am feeling almost like I should once again.
Not that it did me much good today. My Person lavished all her attention on playing musical plants in my backyard (I bet they feel worse than I did), moving them all around, giving them haircuts and generally distributing torture left and right in the name of creating a "natural" environment. According to her.
I haven't noticed this kind of silliness going on in the real natural environment. Plants take care of themselves quite nicely and if they get old and rotten or branches fall off, a squirrel or an owl moves right in. People are a puzzlement! They aren't happy unless they are messing with things.
But as long as my Person doesn't start playing musical dogs I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.